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Reviews of previous books by Rick Sutcliffe

Rick Sutcliffe's The Exile, the third book in The Interregnum series, is a fascinating mix of prodigious scope and intimate portraits. Characters' stories cleverly intersect throughout the book, filling in the vast panorama he has constructed piece by piece, giving the reader more insight into the rich culture of Hibernia and the relationships and enmities between Tara's royal families. A challenging, yet satisfying read. M. D. Benoit, author of Metered Space

Excellent. I know what Tolkien's readers must have felt like when then finished The Fellowship Of The Ring and had to wait a year for The Two Towers and then another year for The Return Of The King! I want to read the rest of the stories NOW.
--Steven Weyhrich Apple II History
Thanks for another great book.
--Philip Allfrey
...a panorama of characters and backdrops that feel like they should exist. I'm amazed...I hope you're already working on The Builder! Too many tantalizing loose ends. You're good!
--Janet Sketchley

Review Tara's Mother and we'll put your name and a link to your site here.

For review copies of Tara's Mother contact
Sandy Cummins
at Writers Exchange E-Publishing International

For interviews or signings contact

Rick Sutcliffe
28964 Starr Rd.
Mt. Lehman, BC CANADA
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