Here is a simple illustration of some of the ideas found in the last two sections. The program is designed to keep track of a small inventory. Each item is recorded by name, price, quantity and location (bin number). The records are kept in a disk file, and any new items are added to that disk file whenever the user chooses to save the data or exits the program.
The first version of the program keeps track of the inventory in a file that is manipulated by SeqFile as a rewindable stream, and the actual I/O is done by RawIO. Logically, the items in the stream consist of records; physically they are binary recordings. The planning information has been left out so as to save space.
MODULE Inventory; (* Keeps track of a demonstration inventory in a file called "" *) (* Written by R.J. Sutcliffe *) (* to demonstrate the use of records and RawIO *) (* using ISO standard Modula-2 *) (* last revision 1994 03 24 *) FROM STextIO IMPORT WriteString, ReadString, SkipLine, WriteLn, ReadChar, WriteChar; FROM SWholeIO IMPORT ReadCard, WriteCard; FROM SRealIO IMPORT ReadReal, WriteFixed; FROM RawIO IMPORT Read, Write; FROM SIOResult IMPORT ReadResult, ReadResults; IMPORT IOResult; FROM SeqFile IMPORT OpenRead, OpenResults, raw, write, Reread, Rewrite, Close, ChanId; CONST max = 10; (* a small inventory *) VAR fileOpen, fileDirty : BOOLEAN; (* to know what the status is *) TYPE Name = ARRAY [0 .. 20] OF CHAR; Item = RECORD name : Name; price : REAL; quantity : CARDINAL; bin : CHAR; END; (* Item *) Items = ARRAY [1 .. max] OF Item; VAR emptyItem : Item; stock : Items; Ok : BOOLEAN; dataChan : ChanId; res : OpenResults; (* This group of procedures displays current contents of fields on the screen for viewing or editing. *) PROCEDURE DisplayName (name: Name); BEGIN WriteString ("Name ==> "); WriteString (name); END DisplayName; PROCEDURE DisplayPrice (price : REAL); BEGIN WriteString ("Price ==> "); WriteFixed (price, 2,6); END DisplayPrice; PROCEDURE DisplayQuantity (quantity : CARDINAL); BEGIN WriteString ("Quantity ==> "); WriteCard (quantity, 10); END DisplayQuantity; PROCEDURE DisplayLocation (bin : CHAR); BEGIN WriteString ("Bin Location ==> "); WriteChar (bin); END DisplayLocation; PROCEDURE DisplayItem (item : Item); (* calls the above to display an item. *) BEGIN WITH item DO WriteString (" Item"); WriteLn; DisplayName (name); WriteString (" "); DisplayPrice (price); WriteString (" "); WriteLn; DisplayQuantity (quantity); WriteString (" "); DisplayLocation (bin); WriteLn;WriteLn; END; END DisplayItem; VAR numItems : CARDINAL; (* global *) PROCEDURE ListItems; (* list all items *) VAR count : CARDINAL; BEGIN FOR count := 1 TO numItems DO WriteCard (count, 1); WriteString (". "); DisplayName (stock [count].name); WriteLn; END; END ListItems; PROCEDURE EditItem (VAR item : Item); (* change contents *) VAR tempName : Name; tempPrice : REAL; tempQuantity : CARDINAL; tempBin : CHAR; BEGIN WITH item DO WriteString (" Edit Item"); WriteLn; DisplayName (name); WriteLn; ReadString (tempName); IF (ReadResult() = allRight) THEN name := tempName; fileDirty := TRUE; END; SkipLine; WriteLn; DisplayPrice (price); WriteLn; ReadReal (tempPrice); IF (ReadResult() = allRight) THEN price := tempPrice; fileDirty := TRUE; END; SkipLine; WriteLn; DisplayQuantity (quantity); WriteLn; ReadCard (tempQuantity); IF (ReadResult() = allRight) THEN quantity := tempQuantity; fileDirty := TRUE; END; SkipLine; WriteLn; DisplayLocation (bin); WriteLn; ReadChar (tempBin); IF (ReadResult() = allRight) THEN bin := tempBin; fileDirty := TRUE; END; SkipLine; END; (* with *) END EditItem; PROCEDURE AddItem; (* make an empty item, and then edit it. *) VAR temp : Item; BEGIN IF numItems < max THEN temp := emptyItem; EditItem (temp); INC (numItems); stock [numItems] := temp; END; END AddItem; PROCEDURE GetItem (VAR itemNum : CARDINAL); (* Find out which one to deal with *) BEGIN IF numItems > 0 THEN REPEAT ListItems; WriteString ("Pick one 1 .. "); WriteCard (numItems,1); WriteString (" ==>"); ReadCard (itemNum); SkipLine; Ok := (ReadResult() = allRight) AND (itemNum <= numItems); IF NOT Ok THEN WriteString ("Error in selection; try again"); WriteLn; END; UNTIL Ok; ELSE WriteString ("No items to list"); WriteLn;WriteLn; itemNum := 0; END; END GetItem; PROCEDURE Menu (VAR menuNum : CARDINAL); (* print a menu of program choices and get a valid choice *) VAR Ok : BOOLEAN; BEGIN REPEAT WriteString ("Do you wish to");WriteLn; WriteString ("1. Get existing/ open new disk file");WriteLn; WriteString ("2. Display an item");WriteLn; WriteString ("3. Add an item");WriteLn; WriteString ("4. Edit an item");WriteLn; WriteString ("5. Save disk file");WriteLn; WriteString ("6. Quit the program");WriteLn; WriteString ("Pick one 1 .. 6 ==> "); ReadCard (menuNum); WriteLn; SkipLine; Ok := (ReadResult () = allRight) AND (menuNum <7); IF NOT Ok THEN WriteString ("Error in menu selection; try again"); WriteLn;WriteLn; END; UNTIL Ok; END Menu; PROCEDURE GetFile; (* Open and read contents of, if any. *) BEGIN numItems := 0; OpenRead (dataChan, "InventoryData", raw+write, res); IF (res = opened) THEN fileOpen := TRUE; REPEAT Read (dataChan, stock [numItems + 1]); IF IOResult.ReadResult (dataChan) = allRight THEN INC (numItems); END; UNTIL (numItems = max) OR (IOResult.ReadResult (dataChan) # allRight) END; END GetFile; PROCEDURE SaveFile; (* write out entire file. If file not already open, opens and reads stuff in first. *) VAR count : CARDINAL; BEGIN IF NOT fileOpen THEN IF NOT fileDirty THEN WriteString ("No data collected & no file open"); WriteLn; RETURN; END; GetFile; END; Rewrite (dataChan); FOR count := 1 TO numItems DO Write (dataChan, stock [count]); END; Close (dataChan); fileOpen := FALSE; fileDirty := FALSE; numItems := 0; END SaveFile; VAR (* main *) action, itemNum : CARDINAL; BEGIN numItems := 0; fileOpen := FALSE; fileDirty := FALSE; (* make a default or empty item for later editing *) WITH emptyItem DO (* initialize one *) name := ""; price := 0.0; quantity := 0; bin := "*"; (* nowhere *) END; (* with *) WriteString (" Rick's Inventory program"); WriteLn;WriteLn; REPEAT Menu (action); (* print menu + get action *) (* take action according to request from menu *) IF (action = 1) AND NOT fileOpen THEN GetFile; ELSIF (action = 2) THEN GetItem (itemNum); IF itemNum # 0 THEN DisplayItem (stock [itemNum]); END; ELSIF (action = 3) THEN AddItem; ELSIF (action = 4) THEN GetItem (itemNum); IF itemNum # 0 THEN EditItem (stock [itemNum]); END; ELSIF (action = 5) THEN SaveFile; ELSIF (action = 6) THEN IF fileOpen THEN SaveFile; END; END; UNTIL action = 6; (* and then quietly exit *) END Inventory.
NOTES: 1. Observe the free use of numerous small specialized procedures to encapsulate program tasks for easy debugging.
2. Note the use of a menu that is reprinted on the screen repeatedly whenever the current task is complete.
This program was run and the data file created, added to, and edited. The program was run again and more items added. However, these runs are lengthy and the output is not reproduced here. It is left as an exercise to the student to make some improvements.
In this second module, the same file is opened and manipulated as in the last, except that a random access model is used, and only one record item is kept in memory at a time. The fact that a random access model can be imposed upon a file previously created with a sequential model device driver illustrates that the logical view of a file is independent of the physical recording. In the program listing below, many of the procedures from the first version are not duplicated.
MODULE RndInventory; (* Keeps track of a demonstration inventory in a file called "" *) (* Written by R.J. Sutcliffe *) (* to demonstrate the use of records, random access and RawIO *) (* using ISO standard Modula-2 *) (* last revision 1994 03 25 *) FROM STextIO IMPORT WriteString, ReadString, SkipLine, WriteLn, ReadChar, WriteChar; FROM SWholeIO IMPORT ReadCard, WriteCard; FROM SRealIO IMPORT ReadReal, WriteFixed; FROM RawIO IMPORT Read, Write; FROM SIOResult IMPORT ReadResult, ReadResults; IMPORT IOResult; FROM RndFile IMPORT OpenOld, OpenResults, raw, read, write, Close, ChanId, FilePos, StartPos, NewPos, EndPos, SetPos; VAR fileOpen : BOOLEAN; (* to know what the status is *) TYPE Name = ARRAY [0 .. 20] OF CHAR; Item = RECORD name : Name; price : REAL; quantity : CARDINAL; bin : CHAR; END; (* Item *) VAR emptyItem, currentItem : Item; Ok : BOOLEAN; dataChan : ChanId; res : OpenResults; (* Put same display procedures here *) VAR numItems : CARDINAL; (* global *) PROCEDURE ListItems; (* list all items *) (* Pre : file is open *) VAR count : CARDINAL; BEGIN SetPos (dataChan, StartPos (dataChan)); count := 0; REPEAT Read (dataChan, currentItem); IF IOResult.ReadResult (dataChan) = allRight THEN WriteCard (count+1, 1); WriteString (". "); DisplayName (; WriteLn; INC (count); END; UNTIL IOResult.ReadResult (dataChan) # allRight; numItems := count; END ListItems; PROCEDURE PutItem (item: Item); (* Write out item at current file position *) BEGIN Write (dataChan, item); END PutItem; PROCEDURE FetchItem (itemNum: CARDINAL; VAR item : Item); (* Obtain that item number in the file Assume program numbering 1 ... and file numbering 0... *) VAR pos : FilePos; BEGIN pos := NewPos (dataChan, itemNum-1, SIZE (Item), StartPos (dataChan)); SetPos (dataChan, pos); Read (dataChan, item); SetPos (dataChan, pos); END FetchItem; PROCEDURE EditItem (VAR item : Item); (* change contents *) (* same as last time, but omit fileDirty lines *) PROCEDURE GetFile; (* Open or create *) BEGIN OpenOld (dataChan, "InventoryData", raw+write+read, res); IF (res = opened) THEN fileOpen := TRUE; SetPos (dataChan, StartPos(dataChan)) END; END GetFile; PROCEDURE CloseFile; (* close file. If file not already open, does nothing. *) VAR count : CARDINAL; BEGIN IF NOT fileOpen THEN WriteString ("No file open"); WriteLn; RETURN; END; Close (dataChan); fileOpen := FALSE; numItems := 0; END CloseFile; PROCEDURE AddItem; (* make an empty item, and then edit it. *) VAR temp : Item; BEGIN IF NOT fileOpen THEN GetFile; ELSE SetPos (dataChan, EndPos (dataChan)); END; temp := emptyItem; EditItem (temp); END AddItem; PROCEDURE GetItem (VAR itemNum : CARDINAL); (* Find out which one to deal with *) BEGIN IF fileOpen THEN REPEAT ListItems; WriteString ("Pick one 1 .. "); WriteCard (numItems,1); WriteString (" ==>"); ReadCard (itemNum); SkipLine; Ok := (ReadResult() = allRight) AND (itemNum <= numItems); IF NOT Ok THEN WriteString ("Error in selection; try again"); WriteLn; END; UNTIL Ok; ELSE WriteString ("File not open"); WriteLn;WriteLn; itemNum := 0; END; END GetItem; PROCEDURE Menu (VAR menuNum : CARDINAL); (* identical to last version *) END Menu; VAR (* main *) action, itemNum : CARDINAL; BEGIN numItems := 0; fileOpen := FALSE; (* make a default or empty item for later editing *) WITH emptyItem DO (* initialize one *) name := ""; price := 0.0; quantity := 0; bin := "*"; (* nowhere *) END; (* with *) WriteString (" Rick's Inventory 2 program"); WriteLn;WriteLn; REPEAT Menu (action); (* print menu + get action *) (* take action according to request from menu *) IF (action = 1) AND NOT fileOpen THEN GetFile; ELSIF (action = 2) THEN GetItem (itemNum); IF itemNum # 0 THEN FetchItem(itemNum, currentItem); DisplayItem (currentItem); END; ELSIF (action = 3) THEN AddItem; ELSIF (action = 4) THEN GetItem (itemNum); IF itemNum # 0 THEN FetchItem(itemNum, currentItem); EditItem (currentItem); END; ELSIF (action = 5) THEN CloseFile; ELSIF (action = 6) THEN IF fileOpen THEN CloseFile; END; END; UNTIL action = 6 (* and then quietly exit *) END RndInventory.
Observe that only one item is kept in memory at a time, and that after it is read the file position is set back to its starting point so that if editing is done, the item will be written back to the correct location. Much of the other logic remains the same, but new procedures have been inserted to fetch an item by number and to return it to the disk.