The purpose of this chapter is to introduce some simple graphics ideas and show how they can be realized on the MacOS and Windows 32 bit systems. On completing the chapter, the student should understand and be able to use the following: a supplied module for graphing simple figures, fractals, and functions. The student should have some aquaintance with aspects of the application program interface (API) for the MacOS and Windows NT.
No new standard data types are taken up in chapter 18.
Realized in the Modula-2 notation:
Numerous items of the MacOS and Windows NT API
Window manipulation at an elementary level; screen graphics, the graphical representation of points, lines, and other figures.
Realized in the Modula-2 notation:
Numerous items of the MacOS and Windows NT API
Event loops.
Realized in the Modula-2 notation:
Calls to event loop handlers in MacOS and Windows NT API.